Recovery Coach

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Hi, I'm Trevor Williamson

Greetings. My name is Trevor, and as an Internationally Certified Mental Health Coach and Recovery Specialist who has been on my own journey of recovery with a focus on mental health recovery, I am here to help you transform into the you that you want to be.

Once I discovered and acknowledged the areas in my life that I wanted to transform, I dove into the work to explore myself and the reasons for the ways that I lived my life that was affecting my relationships and my overall life. I view myself as a phoenix who rose from the ashes from burning away unhealthy coping mechanisms and as I have been helped on my recovery journey, I would like to help you become the beautiful phoenix on your own, unique, and beautiful recovery journey.

I hope to walk with you on your personal discovery journey so that together we can find your best way to move forward into a journey of recovery.

Addictions, Negative Attachments, and the Habits that hold us hostage are all seated in a pressure to perform and a reliance on something outside of ourselves to bring us peace, joy, comfort, relief, value, validity, and worthiness.

At TLR we equip people seeking life recovery with the right life skills and help them set the right aspirations, so they can live life and live it freely in one amazing personal journey!

Navigating Divorce's Emotional Storm:
Men Rising Together

I stand before you today not as a mere coach but as a fellow traveler on a challenging journey. The emotional turbulence that follows divorce is a storm we must brave together.

I've walked in your shoes, faced the uphill battle of co-parenting, the financial hurdles of alimony and child support, and the heartache of being apart from our children. But let me tell you, it's in these moments of struggle that we find the truest version of ourselves.

With unwavering pride, determination, and resilience, we can unlock the emotional intelligence needed to navigate this path. It's not just about how we wish to see ourselves; it's about being received in the light we yearn for.

Let's rise together, my friends, and show the world the strength of our spirit.

In this uncertain journey, remember that your pain has the power to transform into wisdom, your tears can water the seeds of resilience, and your love for your children can fuel your determination to overcome any obstacle. It's time to reclaim your identity, your pride, and your purpose.

Together, we'll stand strong, face the challenges head-on, and emerge from this storm with hearts filled not just with pride, but with love, for ourselves and our children.

Your story is a testament to your strength; let's script it together, one page at a time.

To the men who seek a better future, remember that you are not alone.

We are a community of warriors who will support, uplift, and guide each other. With the right emotional tools, we can be the fathers, the men, and the role models our children need.

Let's forge a path of resilience, determination, and unwavering pride, not just for ourselves, but for the legacy we leave behind.

In unity and strength,
Coach Trevor Williamson

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See What My Clients Have To Say...

Trevor- I wanted to take a moment to let you know how you changed my life. Everything about my recovery was always focused on addiction to substances. When I came to MHC and heard you speak about your real-life experiences and how you overcame your suicidal attempt I was intrigued. I was also a survivor of a suicide attempt in 2006. I was convinced that no one else was like me and my experience was unique. You gave me the courage to share in groups about my trauma regarding my childhood that I never told anyone. This allowed me to make tremendous progress and catapult me to recovery. Thank you for being so generous with your feelings and vulnerability. I truly consider you a remarkable survivor and you continue to inspire me with your videos of encouragement to people like me.

~Matt Collins

Although I have only known Trevor for a short time, the time that I have spent getting to know him has been significant. I learned of Trevor’s past and struggles through others and then heard it from him. To say that I find him incredibly profound in his journey, is an understatement. Our conversations have been personal, meaningful, insightful, vulnerable, relatable, and valuable. Trevor is courageous in speaking openly of his experience, is an active listener and a very intellectual conversationalist. He has put in the work necessary to learn, grow and be a strong motivator to others.

~Collette M. Sobray

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